Monday, June 24, 2013

Our Salton Yogurt Maker

Homemade Yogurt

We found a wonderful vintage ehem, yes I said vintage yogurt maker in a thrift shop for $2. I was so excited at the prospect of making yogurt despite not having much money we ran out and promptly bought some milk and some fage (fah-ye) brand yogurt for a starter.

I looked up two things for this "new" machine - a Salton Yogurt Maker from the 1970s. I would swear ours seems even older but we lucked out with having all the base parts together. The original glass jars with plastic lids, the lid to the machine, and the machine base ... with the "reminder" knob still in the lid. Woohoo!

Of course I had to find instructions for making said yogurt, and not to mention using a new fandanglie machine that is so old, it's sure not to have online instructions. But luck have it, the machine was so popular and worked so well that it has been passed through families and loved by all who own one. I quote from somewhere else I saw on the internet (and now can only remember the quote) "If you can find one [Salton Yogurt Maker] anywhere, pick it up!"

I love the instructions here, where another blogger even includes the pictures from the original manual.

And additionally, suggestions come from here for mediums to start yogurt with. It's in response to a person using their crockpot. The suggestions include using (with results): milk (soft), milk + powdered milk (firm), milk + powdered milk + gelatin (very firm), half-n-half or cream (rich, creamy, sweet), evaporated or condensed milk (sweetened), and adding corn starch to any combo to make an even creamier product.

We use it nearly every week for 6 more 1 cup portions of yogurt. I can tell we've been eating healthier since we use it to replace everything from sour cream to make great dips and sauces.

1 comment:

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